title: 20240621-公雲學習筆記 date: 2024-06-21 tags: updated: 2024-06-21 up:

  • "[[cloud]]"


(11:45)Top 50+ AWS Services Explained in 10 Minutes

  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) ->

  • -> 有 擴展問題 -> LB -> Cloud Watch -> Auto Scaling -> 太麻煩

  • -> Elastic Beanstalk (PAAS) -> 其實不用伺服器 -> Lambda (FAAS aka ServerLess)

  • OutPosts: 可以跑 AWS 在自己基礎建設

  • SNOW: 自架

  • docker: 可以跑不同公雲環境

  • 需要更多可以擴展 -> EKS -> 可以自動擴展?-> FARGATE

  • 既然有 Container,使用App Runner最簡單

  • 儲存? s3: 可以存任何格式 -> 是否有成本低、高延遲的? -> Glacier ,速度要快? Block Storage,要更多權限、可控 > Elastic File System

  • Database? Simple DB(NoSQL) > Dynamo DB :便宜、可以水平擴展、快,不可Join,有限查詢,-> Document DB > SQL solution> > RDS ,比MSQL 快? Aurora

  • 高度連結資料e.g. social graph > Neptune -> 要快速? Elastic Cache -> 時序性資料? Timestream ,不可變的加密交易 Quantum Ledger

  • Fulltext search engine: Elastic Search>

  • 管理帳單:Budgets

  • 分析?Redshift >

  • 科學計算? SageMaker

  • 圖片辨識? Rekognition

  • 對話?Alex

  • 學習機器學習? Deep Racer

  • 權限管理? IAM

  • 管理登入? Cognito

  • (17:16) The only Cloud services you actually need to know

Vendor Lock in

graph TD;

    VM -->  CPU
    VM --> RAM
    VM --> DISK
    VM --> Networking


VM / CPU / RAM / Disk

比較 Public Cloud vs. Open Source



ArchitectureServerless, embeddedClient-server
Setup==No setup required==Requires setup and administration
ConcurrencyLimited concurrent writesExcellent concurrency with MVCC
ScalabilityNot designed for high scalability==Highly scalable==
PerformanceFast for read-heavy workloadsHigh performance for both read and write operations
FeaturesBasic SQL featuresAdvanced SQL features and extensibility
Resource Usage==Minimal==Higher resource usage
Use CasesSmall applications, mobile apps, prototypingEnterprise applications, web applications, data warehousing
TransactionsACID compliantACID compliant
Data IntegrityBasic data integrity checksAdvanced data integrity and compliance features



  • What is Cloud Computing?什麼是雲端運算?
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing (Scalability, Cost-efficiency, Flexibility, etc.)雲端運算的好處(可擴展性、成本效益、靈活性等)
  • Types of Cloud Services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)雲端服務類型(IaaS、PaaS、SaaS)
