title: 20240221-othello-ood date: 2024-02-21 tags:
- object_oriented_design updated: 2024-02-21 up:
- "[[ood]]"
- 設計黑白棋的OOD,黑白棋是如果周遭(上下左右)被圍起來就更換中間(被包圍)顏色,到一方無法下任何棋結束。
- core object: game, board, pieces, players
Shold BlackPiece and WhitePiece be classes?
- 因為棋會一直被翻轉,有一個統一Piece Class可能比較好
Do we need separate Board and Game classes?
- Pros
- 邏輯上分開board跟game
- Cons
- 需要額外layer
Who keeps Score?
- 可能可以使用Group、Piece、Board group
- 我們暫時使用board存,這樣分數可以由Board分組
Should Game be a Singleton class?
- Singleton 好處是所有人可呼叫,而不用每次都pass ref,但只能被初始化一次,與interviewer討論是否可以這樣做