Alan Tseng


What is Generative AI

  • Supervised learning (labeling things)

  • 2010 - 2020: Large scale supervised learning

  • LLM

    • How? supervised learning (A->B) 重複預測下一個word
  • 例子

    • 寫作:rewrite for clarity
    • 閱讀:有沒有在抱怨、情緒分析
    • 聊天:聊天機器人
  • web search or LLM?

  • LLM可能會錯,但回答比較精簡

    • web search有時會得到比較好的答案,但要花時間找到你要的資訊

Generative AI Applications

  • setup
import openai import os openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") def llm_response(prompt): response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model='gpt-3.5-turbo', messages=[{'role':'user','content':prompt}], temperature=0 ) return response.choices[0].message['content']
  • classify
prompt = ''' Classify the following review as having either a positive or negative sentiment: The banana pudding was really tasty! ''' response = llm_response(prompt) print(response)
all_reviews = [ 'The mochi is excellent!', 'Best soup dumplings I have ever eaten.', 'Not worth the 3 month wait for a reservation.', 'The colorful tablecloths made me smile!', 'The pasta was cold.' ] all_reviews classifications = [] for review in all_reviews: prompt = f''' Classify the following review as having either a positive or negative sentiment. State your answer as a single word, either "positive" or "negative": {review} ''' response = llm_response(prompt) classifications.append(response) classifications

Advance technologies: Beyond prompting

Generative AI and Business

Genetative AI and Society


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