Alan Tseng


def node_require(script) # Resolve script with node to allow for hoisting require Pod::Executable.execute_command('node', ['-p', "require.resolve( '#{script}', {paths: [process.argv[1]]}, )", __dir__]).strip end node_require('react-native/scripts/react_native_pods.rb') node_require('react-native-permissions/scripts/setup.rb') ... platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported prepare_react_native_project! ... setup_permissions([ # 'AppTrackingTransparency', # 'BluetoothPeripheral', # 'Calendars', 'Camera', # 'Contacts', # 'FaceID', # 'LocationAccuracy', # 'LocationAlways', # 'LocationWhenInUse', # 'MediaLibrary', # 'Microphone', # 'Motion', # 'Notifications', 'PhotoLibrary', # 'PhotoLibraryAddOnly', # 'Reminders', # 'SpeechRecognition', # 'StoreKit' ]) ... target 'verifier' do ... pod 'RNPermissions', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-permissions'
  • ios//Info.plist
<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>Your message to user when the camera is accessed for the first time</string> <!-- Include this only if you are planning to use the camera roll --> <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>Your message to user when the photo library is accessed for the first time</string>
  • package.json 加上
... "resolutions": { "react-native-permissions": "^3.8.0" }, "overrides": { "react-native-qrcode-scanner": { "react-native-permissions": "^3.8.0" } }


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