Alan Tseng


<QRCode size={256} style={{ height: "auto", maxWidth: "100%", width: "100%" }} value={JSON.stringify(url)} viewBox={`0 0 256 256`} />
  • @/components/Html5QrcodePlugin
import { Html5QrcodeScanner } from 'html5-qrcode'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; const qrcodeRegionId = "html5qr-code-full-region"; // Creates the configuration object for Html5QrcodeScanner. const createConfig = (props) => { let config = {}; if (props.fps) { config.fps = props.fps; } if (props.qrbox) { config.qrbox = props.qrbox; } if (props.aspectRatio) { config.aspectRatio = props.aspectRatio; } if (props.disableFlip !== undefined) { config.disableFlip = props.disableFlip; } return config; }; const Html5QrcodePlugin = (props) => { useEffect(() => { // when component mounts const config = createConfig(props); const verbose = props.verbose === true; // Suceess callback is required. if (!(props.qrCodeSuccessCallback)) { throw "qrCodeSuccessCallback is required callback."; } const html5QrcodeScanner = new Html5QrcodeScanner(qrcodeRegionId, config, verbose); html5QrcodeScanner.render(props.qrCodeSuccessCallback, props.qrCodeErrorCallback); // cleanup function when component will unmount return () => { html5QrcodeScanner.clear().catch(error => { console.error("Failed to clear html5QrcodeScanner. ", error); }); }; }, []); return ( <div id={qrcodeRegionId} /> ); }; export default Html5QrcodePlugin;
import Html5QrcodePlugin from "@/components/Html5QrcodePlugin" <Html5QrcodePlugin fps={10} qrbox={256} disableFlip={false} qrCodeSuccessCallback={(_results: string) => onScanSuccess(_results)} />


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